The csproj (C# project) is an MSBuild based file that contains target framework and NuGet package dependency information for the application. The ImplicitUsings feature is enabled which tells the compiler to auto generate a set of global using directives based on the project type, removing the need to include a lot of common using statements. The global using statements are auto generated what is c# when you build the project and can be found in the file /obj/Debug/net7.0/WebApi.GlobalUsings.g.cs. The .NET 7 Program file contains top-level statements which are converted by the C# compiler into a Main() method and Program class for the .NET program. The Main() method is the entry point for a .NET application, when an app is started it searches for the Main() method to begin execution.

There are also some other technology like Java, PHP, Perl, Ruby on Rails, etc. which can be used to develop web applications. The web applications which are developed using the .NET framework or its subsets required to execute under the Microsoft Internet Information Services(IIS) on the server side. The work of IIS is to provide the web application’s generated HTML code result to the client browser which initiates the request as shown in the below diagram. The returned JWT must be included in the HTTP Authorization header of subsequent requests to secure routes. For example the user service accesses app settings via an IOptions appSettings object that is injected into the constructor. ASP.NET is a web application framework designed and developed by Microsoft.

Introduction to ASP.NET

But concepts like Web Forms, Web Services, or Server Controls gives ASP.NET the power to build real web applications. ASP.NET Core merges ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET Web Pages into
one application framework. Classic ASP pages have the file extension .asp and are normally written in VBScript. When a browser requests an ASP or ASP.NET file, the ASP engine reads the file, executes
any code in the file, and returns the result to the browser. Basically, ASP.NET is a web delivery mechanism that runs either C# or VB.NET in the background. C# is a programming language that runs ASP.NET as well as Winforms, WPF, and Silverlight.

what is c#

ASP.NET API is an API application model (Application Programming Interface). ASP.NET pages have the extension .aspx and are normally written in C# (C sharp). By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge that you have read and understand our privacy policy and code of conduct. Because ASP.NET code is executed on the server, you
cannot view the code in your browser.

Create a new ASP.NET Core Web API project

ASP.NET is part of the .NET framework allowing you to write web applications using any CLS compliant language such as C#, VB.NET, F#, … The top of the file contains the IUserService interface which defines the methods of the user service, followed by the concrete UserService class that implements the interface. Below are instructions on how to use Postman to authenticate a user to get a JWT token from the api, and then make an authenticated request with the JWT token to retrieve a list of users from the api. Creating a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operation with a PostgreSQL database in an ASP.NET Core Web API is a common task in web development. In this article, we’ll walk through the steps to build a Web API using ASP.NET Core, connect it to a PostgreSQL database, and perform CRUD operations on a model named CSharpCornerArticle. Another one worth mentioning is the ASP.NET application file Global.asax-in the ASP world formerly known as Global.asa.

  • When an HTTP POST request is received by the route, the data from the body is bound to an instance of the AuthenticateRequest class, validated and passed to the method.
  • In this tutorial we’ll go through a simple example of how to implement custom JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication in a .NET 7.0 API with C#.
  • But ASP.NET is only used to create web applications and web services.
  • You can use directives to specify optional settings used by the page compiler when processing ASP.NET files.
  • For full details about the example React application see the post React 18 + Redux – JWT Authentication Example & Tutorial.
  • It was developed by Microsoft to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites, applications and services.

ASP.NET is open source and a subset of the .NET Framework and successor of the classic ASP(Active Server Pages). With version 1.0 of the .NET Framework, it was first released in January 2002. So a question comes to mind that which technology we were using before the year 2002 for developing web applications and services? ASP.NET is an open-source,[2] server-side web-application framework designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. It was developed by Microsoft to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites, applications and services. The name stands for Active Server Pages Network Enabled Technologies.

Classic ASP – Active Server Pages

With ASP you can use client-side scripts as well as server-side scripts. ASP provides solutions for transaction processing and managing session state. ASP is one of the most successful languages used in web development. A web application is an application installed only on the web server which is accessed by the users using a web browser like Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, Apple Safari, etc.

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But now there is also a codebehind file Global.asax.vb, for example, if the file contains Visual Basic.NET code. Global.asax is an optional file that resides in the root directory of your application, and it contains global logic for your application. But ASP.NET is only used to create web applications and web services. That’s why we termed ASP.NET as a subset of the .NET Framework. What you are referring to original asp language is called Classic ASP and it is not a language. It is a framework for developing web applications using VBScript and JScript languages.

WP Tutorial

For full details about the example Vue application see the post Vue 3 + Pinia – JWT Authentication Tutorial & Example. For full details about the example Blazor application see the post Blazor WebAssembly – JWT Authentication Example & Tutorial. For full details about the example React application see the post React 18 + Redux – JWT Authentication Example & Tutorial. For full details about the example Angular application see the post Angular 14 – JWT Authentication Example & Tutorial.

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The ASP.NET SOAP extension framework allows ASP.NET components to process SOAP messages. CRUD API with a PostgreSQL database in ASP.NET Core, complete with a real-world use case model named CSharpCornerArticle. You can now build upon this foundation to create more advanced features for your application.

.NET Auth API csproj

The [JsonIgnore] attribute prevents the password property from being serialized and returned in api responses. In the appsettings.json file, add your PostgreSQL connection string. This complete rewrite of ASP.NET unites the previously separate ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API into a single programming model. The easiest way to start with ASP.NET is to take a simple ASP page and change the file name extension to .aspx. ASP.NET was developed in direct response to the problems that developers had with classic ASP.

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Controller methods/routes are secure by default with the [Authorize] attribute on the class. The Authenticate method is decorated with the [AllowAnonymous] attribute which overrides the class-level [Authorize] attribute to make it publicly accessible. The WebApplication class handles app startup, lifetime management, web server configuration and more. The logic for allowing public access is located in the custom authorize attribute below, authorization is skipped if the action method is decorated with [AllowAnonymous]. ASP.NET is built on the CLR(Common Language Runtime) which allows the programmers to execute its code using any .NET language(C#, VB etc.).

Easy Learning with “Run Example”

The custom [AllowAnonymous] attribute is used to allow public access to specific action methods when a controller class is decorated with the [Authorize] attribute. It’s used in the users controller to allow anonymous access to the Authenticate method. Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) is a server-side scripting technology. ASP is a technology that Microsoft created to ease the development of interactive web applications.